Patrick Zaczkiewicz

Narrative and creativity are the central threads that run through all of stylist Patrick Zaczkiewicz’s work. “The editorials I enjoy styling most are the ones where I conceive a story or idea from the mood board stage and pick the team that can translate the story best,” he says. His work is instinctive; an artful dance of vision, preparation and decisiveness. “I know exactly what I want out of an image, as soon as it pops up on screen I have an immediate response that I know we’ve got it,” says Patrick.

 In a world crowded by instant gratification and micro content, Patrick is passionate about intentional, considered creativity. “My greatest source of creative inspiration comes from magazines. Print is not dead in my eyes, I love it and I love purchasing print and seeing work by amazing teams laid out across the pages the way they intend it to be seen, not on a screen,” he says. When he’s shooting, you can count on him to bring plenty of energy… and a flawless playlist. “Onset, I bring warmth, playfulness and great music,” says Patrick. “I love collaboration and thrive with a team that are all on a mission to create a beautiful image.”

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My signature aesthetic is… A balanced play between masculinity/femininity, intentionality and beauty.

My work has appeared in…Side-Note, GRAZIA, ICON, Marie Claire.

My favourite work to date is …A Side-Note story with model Ben Atkins, shot by Michael Comninus, hair by Michael Brennan and make up by Cherry Cheung. It is the perfect example of the story- telling I aim to do in my editorials moving forward, it’s special to me as it feels truest to my aesthetic and being able to direct a shoot from concept to final product is very fulfilling when I have full creative control.

I’d love to work with…Cate Blanchett. She has such an amazing knowledge of fashion and character study. She’s fearless and I admire that about her. She always seems like she’ll dive head first into anything and isn’t afraid to be in front of the camera and perform – she’s all about the art. Photographer wise, Robin Galiegue, Josh Olins, Mélanie + Ramon or Mert and Marcus would be dream photographers (it’s so hard to pick one as it depends on editorial I’m shooting!) Siddhartha Simone on make-up and Guido Palau on hair.

My favourite place to shoot is…I love a mixed location, it gives you more variety within a story. Also having a paper roll on hand to pull back away from location. I personally like to have space to breathe within images and a paper roll or wall allows that to concentrate on the clothes/make-up/ hair/photography.

The thing I love most about my job is…the fulfilment of creating beautiful imagery that inspires others like it inspires me.

If I weren’t a stylist I’d be…doing something in the film industry. Maybe a critic, or I’d made a great judge on a competition-based show.