Grant pearce

Grant Pearce is, quite simply, a creative tour de force. With more than 25 years of experience in fashion, his vision has shaped the way we see, think and talk about men’s style. “What sets me apart is my love of fashion. I always put that first in any shoot,” Grant says. “My editorial has appeared all over the world in GQ and Vogue. I have so many favourites but one that stands out is a collaboration with Kim Jones and Dior that we shot in Japan.”

Going above and beyond to capture the perfect image is par for the course. “I think it is important to have some creative freedom with the photographer to develop something original and unique,” says Grant. “The perfect image relies on the entire team and a collaboration. I love it when everyone is on the same vibe and the excitement is overwhelming, then you know you have a great shot!”

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My signature aesthetic is… classic chic; Yves Saint Laurent Le Smoking, Avedon and Herb Ritts are some of my favourite moods. In saying that I love the aesthetic of modern cool and feel like this can be refined for a contemporary approach to campaigns and editorials.

My career highlights are…Many, I have been so privileged to work with some of the most famous designers, models and photographers globally so I have numerous high points. Working with Mr Armani would have to be one memorable highlights as for me he modernised menswear and is still going strong. The other would be Donatella Versace who I brought to China for GQ’s Men of the Year event. She was amazing and so cool.

The energy I bring to a shoot is my experience, my opinion and knowing when it is right.

My greatest source of inspiration is… often the location. I believe when you can build a fashion story around a location the results are always amazing.

My favourite location to shoot is… I have shot in so many locations it is hard to find a favourite. I love city scape NYC, Positano, Italy, Count of France and many of the amazing properties I have had the privilege of using as a background.

If I could collaborate with anyone living or dead…I would have loved to shoot with Herb Ritts and Audrey Hepburn as I think it would have been such a dynamic pairing with her elegance and his sophistication.

My favourite part of the job is… every part of the job. I love it!

If I wasn’t working as a creative director I would be… producing and directing theatre, that is also my passion.