Charlotte Stokes

Growing up on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, the ocean and the bush captured Charlotte Stoke’s imagination from an early age. “Having adventures outdoors – fishing, camping, surfing – really shaped the way I see the world.” It is that same exhilarating spirit of adventure that informs Charlotte’s approach to her work. “I love shooting on location,” she says. “The juxtaposition of raw, natural beauty pared with incredible clothes, there’s nothing like it.”

After an illustrious career as a fashion director on some of Australia’s most loved mastheads (Cosmopolitan, Shop Til You Drop, DOLLY), Charlotte branched out into creative direction and commercial work. “My strength is my adaptability. I can work with a blank wall, a dress and a model, or I can build an elaborate set that transports the audience to another world,” she says.

A consummate professional, Charlotte is well-loved within the industry not only for her styling but also her incredible prop and set dressing. “I pride myself on being an incredibly hard worker, completely invested in the whole creative process. I’ll do anything to make it happen,” she says. “I am still obsessed with photoshoots. I love when everyone is working together and you just get on a high from the work you’re producing.”

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My favourite kind of brief is… A collaborative experience. I love working with the photographer and publisher to develop a strong narrative and let the clothes, location and props tell the story. 

My signature aesthetic is… romantic, untamed, whimsical; earthy with polish.

My work has appeared in… Grazia, In Style, Stellar, Women’s Health, Marie Claire.

My commercial work includes…Seafolly, Running Bare, MJ Bale, Witchery, Veuve Clicquot

The energy I bring to set is… Focussed, positive, collaborative.

My favourite work to date is…a story called “Castaway” I shot for Grazia in Byron Bay. It was a magical day where the clothing, props and location came together perfectly.

My favourite location to shoot is…Broome or the mountains of Wanaka in New Zealand – both possess an extreme, untamed natural beauty.

My professional highlight so far is…I always get a kick out of someone who doesn’t work in the industry saying they saw something and loved it.

If I wasn’t a stylist I’d be… A location scout for far flung locations.