Adrian Mesko is known for capturing the beauty of people, architecture and travel destinations in his work. After 12 years in New York specialising in fashion editorial, advertising and celebrity portraiture, Adrian now leads a nomadic existence, inspired by his surroundings. As part of his personal practice, he produces handmade books for renowned Parisien gallerist Yvon Lambert. Each book comes in an edition of 20 and is sold at Librerie Yvon Lambert in Paris. Adrian has been building a series of Super 8mm films to accompany his work.

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My signature aesthetic is… I always strive to capture a real moment when shooting people. I search for the fraction of a second that captures a real thought in their eyes when editing.

My work has appeared in… W-magazine, iD, various Vogue titles, V-magazine, Russh

My favourite piece of work so far is… Spending three months documenting the National Ballet of Marseille. It’s my first book project on a single subject matter allowing me to implement the skills I’ve developed over my career.  

What sets me apart from other photographers is… My enthusiasm and making pictures and books for myself.

My mantra is…Photography as a way of being in the world.

The energy I bring to a set (in three words) is... Hyper focused, enthused, dedicated.

My career highlight so far is… Directing bigger and bigger film productions for Zegna and Google. My photography has always been informed by motion pictures so it’s a natural evolution.

My favourite part of the job is… Getting buzz from the seed of an idea that develops into a project without my focusing on it. An entire world starts to develop in my mind and I have no control over it, I am simply a vehicle for its manifestation.

If I wasn’t working as a photographer I’d be…  Baking bread and making babies in Noosa.